The Shakti School Blog
Welcome to the Shakti School blog where we offer you direct access to resources and wisdom that support you in being a balanced, juicy, happy, successful lover in the world.
Holistic Sun Protection and Summer Skincare Tips
We are entering the late-summer season here in Virginia, and this can be a complicated time for skincare! On one hand, your skin requires more moisture from being dried out due to heat factors, which might also be making you sweat more, which oils up your skin. Throw sun exposure in there and you have […]...
Amalaki Summer Face Mask Recipe
Amalaki (aka Indian Gooseberry, aka Amla) is COOLING. It’s great for pitta tendency people who get overly heated (think menstrual-related acne or loose stool), especially this time of year. Try this Amalaki summer face mask recipe to cool and cleanse your skin during the hot summer months!This herb is also a potent external medicine for […]...
Herbal Teas for Plump, Hydrated Skin
Maintaining hydrated skin in the summer (and as we age) is an inside job! However, drinking a ton of water will only do so much if your tissues aren’t actually nourished and rejuvenated from within. The demulcent herbs in these herbal teas actually hold lubricants that will plump up the skin full of water (in […]...
Ayurvedic Mint, Pistachio and Cilantro Chutney Recipe
This Ayurvedic mint, pistachio and cilantro chutney recipe makes a tasty side or topping rich in herbs and spices that support digestion, detoxification and overall health. Ayurvedic Mint, Pistachio and Cilantro Chutney Recipe Ingredients: 1 cup fresh cilantro leaves (finely chopped) 1/2 cup fresh mint leaves (finely chopped) 1/4 cup unsalted pistachios (soaked for 1-2 […]...
Replacing Rules with Rituals and Learning To Truly Care for Myself
By Greer Christos I remember the first time I heard Katie say, “In Ayurveda, HOW we eat, is as, if not more important to what we eat.”BOOM! My entire body dropped knee length into the mud. Held, supported… feeling like no matter how much I leaned to one side, mama earth’s wet, warm body had […]...
Why You Should Dry Brush (or do Abhyanga)
As always in Ayurveda, there’s a deeper spiritual significance to each tissue of the body. The Ayurvedic rishis (aka the seers of the past) recognized that the Rasa Dhatu was responsible for the spiritual qualities of: ~ Clear perception ~ Crystalline insight ~ Faith and hope for our future ~ Love and trust in […]...
Pitta-Friendly Summer Mocktail ft. Heart-Healing ROSE Water
Wondering what to sip this summer that’s not going to dampen your agni but that’s still a little indulgent and fun? (To my down-under ladies, you can enjoy this too, especially if you have more PITTA aka fire in your constitution!) This cooling, goddess-worthy bev is perfect for when you wanna sip something cooling but […]...
How to do a Spring Cleanse
Spring is the perfect time to do a gentle cleanse. Ayurveda teaches us to mimic what is happening in the natural world. In Spring, the Earth’s core begins to heat up as fungi, bugs, insects, and bees make their way to the surface pollinating and helping to prepare the soil for the growth to come. […]...
Katie’s Seasonal Allergies Arsenal
We are currently being overloaded with pollen over here (if you’re on the East Coast in the US at least 😉) and it’s got me thinking about how we can all navigate allergy season with a little more support… Allergies are a typical imbalance associated with Kapha season (aka SPRING) 💐 Ayurveda understands […]...
Hair Oiling 101
There’s nothing like a weekly hair-oiling ritual to reset your system while communicating deep, loving, self-care to your own heart. So I wanna share with you some of my favorite herbs and tips for oiling your luscious locks! How to Prep for Oiling Your Hair: Use a dosha-appropriate, high quality oil like sesame oil for […]...
2024 Ayurveda School Scholarship Recipients
The Shakti School is inspired and deeply honored to offer scholarships each year. We want to thank each and every student for their soulful and love-filled participation. We deeply appreciate all of the honesty and effort poured into the submissions. Without further ado, below are some of the recipients of this year’s 2024 winners and […]...
Herbal Sleepytime Mocktail
We had to put our Shakti-fied twist on the Sleepy Mocktail 🍹This herbal sleepy time tonic is the perfect nighttime bev for getting your beauty rest! 💤Adding passionflower and ashwaghanda, which have both linked with stress relief, give this mocktail some extra relaxation oomf 💪🏼Passionflower has also been linked with gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the […]...
Shakti Fire Cider
Here’s your winter immunity boost recipe (and home-made gift idea!) Here’s how to make it:~ 1 medium onion, chopped~ 10 garlic cloves, smashed or roughly chopped~ 2 jalapeños, sliced~ 1 organic lemon (grate it and juice it)~ 1/3 cup grated ginger~ A bunch (3-4 sprigs) of fresh rosemary (dried is also fine!)~ 1 T black […]...
Heart-Opening Winter Elixir
The holidays can be a season of both feelings of connection and grief. We’ve created this special Shakti School heart opening elixir featuring skullcap, damiana and rose to get you through the waves of beauty, bliss, and pain.🌹 Skullcap: Think soothing, stress relief, and relaxation – this nervine is an emotional balance supporter and restores […]...
Ojas-Building “Hot Shake”
We have to clue you in on one of our ultimate Ojas-building aphrodisiac tonics!Ojas is our core immunity- our bodies’ ability to renew itself. In the body, it’s related to our reproductive, hormones, and cerebrospinal fluid. It’s also your psychophysical shield, helping us ward off stress and disease (both physically and emotionally). Having strong ojas […]...
Fall Lickable
This little lickable is great for when you’ve got the ick (a.k.a. Cold and Flu season) Add together: 3 tablespoons Manuka honey 3 tablespoons Grass-fed ghee 1 tsp. Turmeric powder 1 tsp. Licorice powder ½ tsp. Cinnamon ¼ tsp. Cardamom A few dashes of Cayenne Pepper powder (*leave out if it’s too much heat for […]...
Carrot & Winter Squash Chutney Recipe
Ingredients: 1 small delicata squash or any other winter squash (acorn or butternut would work well), seeds removed and chopped 2 carrots, chopped 1/2 cup roasted and unsalted almonds 1 small piece of fresh ginger, peeled and chopped 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice 3 tablespoons olive oil or ghee 1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds 1/4 teaspoon […]...
Pumpkin Blow-Ya’ Mind Smoothie (it’s hot!)
I love a hot fall smoothie. It has both deeply nourishing elements, and some reducing spices to counteract the heaviness. This is my go-to. So easy. So good for the time of the season! Ingredients: – 1 cup canned organic pumpkin puree – 1 cup almond milk (or any milk of your choice) – 2-3 […]...
Ayurveda-Inspired Pumpkin Spice Latte
In deep reverence for our Crone Mama Fall, I am bowing before the altar of all things spicy, warm, orange, yellow and brown. (South hemisphere ladies, we see you in your bikinis!) I am also owning the heck out of my basic self = 1. Yoga pants, 2. Furry Boots and 3. Pumpkin Spice And so, our […]...
Discover Our Ayurveda School Graduates Part 2
Our graduates are up to some really amazing things post-Ayurveda School, and we want to share them with you! Whether you’re interested in becoming an Ayurvedic Wellness Coach, or just want to learn the masters of Ayurvedic wisdom, there are endless ways to use your certification. Read below to gain some inspiration and see what […]...
Discover Our Ayurveda School Graduates Part 1
Our graduates are up to some really amazing things post-Ayurveda School, and we want to share them with you! Whether you’re interested in becoming an Ayurvedic Wellness Coach, or just want to learn the masters of Ayurvedic wisdom, there are endless ways to use your certification. Read below to gain some inspiration and see what […]...
Katie’s Ayurveda-Inspired Gatorade
Ingredients: 5 limes 1 tbsp Manuka honey (this one is bangin‘) ½ tsp black or Himalayan pink salt ¼ tsp fennel powder 1/4 tsp licorice powder 3 cups water Ice Cubes (this is an Ayurveda NO-NO, so if you wanna’ be a purist, leave this one out, but I’m gonna’ be honest – in the dead […]...
What It Means to Get ‘Juicy’ and Why You Should Try It
By Crystal Hoshaw A few things might come to mind when you hear the word juicy, but I’m not talking about couture or the Notorious B.I.G. Getting juicy doesn’t have anything to do with squeezing into a velour tracksuit or sporting curves like the Kardashians. It’s an inside-out affair that has to do with every […]...
2023 Ayurveda School Scholarship Recipients
We are happy to announce the following 2023 Ayurveda School scholarship winners. Thank you for all your soulful and love-filled participation. We deeply appreciate all of the honesty and effort poured into the submissions. Our team watched every single video sent and felt truly inspired by many! Without further ado, below are some of the […]...
Subtly Sweet Harvest Muffins
~sweeter foods are a reminder of the sweetness of life~ Craving more sweets this fall? A vata-pacifying diet actually calls for more sweet (madhura) taste. Beyond being comforting, soul-hugging and grounding, the sweet taste pacifies vata, invigorates the mind, strengthens the immune system, nourishes body tissues and enhances the ojas. Satisfy your sweet taste with […]...
Tips for Autumn Thriving and Lovin’ on Your Liver
Just… WHEW! As we shift from summer’s on-the-go intensity to the calmer, more introspective winter months, let’s pause and take a cleansing breath, shall we? 🙏🙏🙏 Change is in the air, and we’re in that blurry space between summer and fall. During this time of flux, you might experience Mamma Earth’s seasonal changes in yourself: […]...
It’s Never Too Late: Honoring the Unlimited Power of the Wise Older Woman
By Christine Griggs I will never forget my first day of Shakti School. I had signed up for Level 1 of the Ayurveda Training just two months before. It had caught my eye -and my soul- over a year ago, but I keptfinding reasons not to sign up. ~I was 58 years old. I already […]...
How I Learned To Embrace the Life-Affirming Nature of Ayurveda
By Crystal Hoshaw I wasn’t a typical little girl in pigtails and Mary Janes. I was an unapologetic tomboy. I loved all things tough and rough and turned up my nose with disdain at my finger-nail-painting and dress-up-playing contemporaries. Tagging along behind the boys like Anybodies following the Jets, I was ostracized in much the […]...
2022 Ayurveda School Scholarship Recipients
We are happy to announce the following 2022 Ayurveda School scholarship winners. Thank you for all your soulful and love-filled participation. We deeply appreciate all of the honesty and effort poured into the submissions. Our team watched every single video sent and felt truly inspired by many! Without further ado, below are some of the […]...
What I learned in Shakti School: Radical Responsibility, Remembering the Wisdom of the Body and Launching a New Business
By Becky Nethery When I signed up for Shakti School, I had no idea what I was getting myself into and how the trajectory of my life would transform. Back in 2018, a good friend told me about Shakti School and I checked it out online. I had never heard of this southern woman with […]...
Hot Girl Summer! ☀ Cool & Fun Tips to Stay Balanced this Season
Isn’t summer just the best? Sandy toes👣 and sun-kissed glows☀️. Farmers’ markets and scents of jasmine, rose and honeysuckle wafting through the air. I don’t know about you, but I CRAVE summer – it means road trips, BBQs, outdoor concerts, barefoot walks and quality time with friends and friends. Full stop. What I don’t crave […]...
Parsley Magic, Moon Gazing and Dream Yoga – Yes, Please!
As the spring equinox arrives in the Northern Hemisphere, we shed the cold, dry, dark of winter to welcome spring’s 🌼 blessings🌷- rejuvenation and rebirth, promising seeds and unfurling leaves, euphoric birdsongs and glorious blue skies. I hope this finds you dancin’ into spring with joy in your mind, body and spirit. Or… maybe spring […]...
Katie’s Spring Time Ice Cream
Katie’s Spring Time Ice Cream “Oh my horror of Ayurveda horrors! Ice cream in the spring is a big no-no Katie Silcox!” Yes, yes. But you still wanna’ eat it, right? You, see I don’t believe in dogmatic Ayurveda food rules. (I ditched all fundamentalism a few years ago :-)) But what I DO think […]...
How to Support Ourselves Through the Delicacy of Fall
A Guide to Seasonal Transition In the Ayurvedic tradition, paying close attention during seasonal transitions is an important way that we can connect to and honor the unique relationship we have with our bodies. In the areas north of the equator, we are approaching the Fall Equinox. This transition into Fall is all about the […]...
Katie’s Healing Journey
I was also experiencing my own host of imbalances-almost unbearable anxiety, crash diets to get rid of late night dinner parties, addiction to caffeine to wake up, alcohol to relax after work, and cigarettes to take the edge off. One day my boss offered me a raise and a promotion-and I went home and cried. […]...
What Your Gut is Trying to Tell Your Heart
Understanding your emotions and what they mean for your health A gut feeling is an instinctive, intuitive feeling, without any logical rationale. It’s very common to hear people using the saying gut feeling, but on what level do we really understand the connection between the gut and our emotions? How often are you treating your […]...
The Star of the Weeds: The Dandelion (Recipe!)
The Star of the Weeds: The Dandelion The Dandelion is so incredible because it’s loaded with properties that help to boost your immunity and overall wellness. It’s packed with vitamins (A, B complex, and C) and minerals (iron, potassium, and zinc) and it is because of its tremendous healing properties that it has been used […]...
Exercise Like an Ayurveda Queen
How to Maintain a Movement Practice within the Changing Cycles of Life When it comes to exercise and Ayurveda, we tend to immediately think of yoga as the primary form of exercise. And yes, while yoga is an incredible tool and practice to incorporate into your life, it’s not always the medicine we need in […]...
Support India During Covid
Dear Community, Katie here. I just wanted to forward this list over to all of you. I know you are all probably aware of the situation in India. If you feel called to help, I have gathered this list of resources from a trusted source who has trusted connections there. With love, Katie...
2021 Ayurveda School Scholarship Recipients
We are happy to announce the following 2021 Ayurveda School scholarship winners. Thank you for all your soulful and love-filled participation. We deeply appreciate all of the honesty and effort poured into the submissions. Our team watched every single video sent and felt truly inspired by many! Without further ado, below are some of the […]...
The Power of Healthy Digestion
A simple approach to feel and look amazing Have you ever had those days where you wake up feeling amazing? There is a lightness in your step, your hair seems to look especially good, and your skin is glowing? And, then the very next day you have the opposite experience? You wake up feeling sluggish, […]...
The Brain, Gut, and Heart
Our Gateways into Resetting for the New Year Every year around all parts of the globe there are celebrations of a new year. In America, it falls on the first of January with the common expectation to set some sort of a resolution for the new calendar year ahead. As I’ve mentioned in my monthly […]...
She’s The First
Today I’m super excited to share with you something that’s lightening up our hearts. It is our hope to advance the cause of educating girls in South Asia specifically, given our love for ancient Indian medicine and our longing to give back to a culture whose rich history has given so much to humanity. Now, […]...
How to Find Purpose In Your Life
Making Lasting ChangeFor More Joy + Fulfillment The Buddha said that the whole world lives on the tip of intention. How aware are you of your intention? At the end of it all the outer world fades and we are only left with our inner world. How is your inner world serving you? What is […]...
All About Coffee
How to Biohack Your Morning Cup of Coffee, Caffeine Alternatives That Actually Taste Good, & Why Cutting Out Caffeine Could Help Save Your Hormones Did you say Coffee? Heck yes, of course I love coffee. I don’t know many people who don’t. Especially when it’s paired with your favorite creamy frothed nut milk, full fat […]...
Wellness Inspired Interior Design
How to fine tune your Home to suit your Ayurvedic Life For many of us, our home is the space where we spend the majority of our time. And if not, it’s at least the space where we return to for rest, comfort, rejuvenation, and joy. That’s why it’s essential for overall wellness that the […]...
What are EMFs?
How to Limit Your Exposure to EMFs and Avoid The Potential Health Risks During the Coronavirus epidemic we’ve probably all spent more time on our phones and computers than we would care to admit. And while these devices help to keep us connected and informed through such a troubling and uncertain time, we’ve mostly likely […]...
10 Books to Read When You’re Feeling Lousy
We all go through periods of ups and downs. It can be really difficult at times to pull your spirit up when it feel as if you’re being challenged or tested from all directions. Reading is the perfect way to take a break from the negative mental spirals that could be swirling around in your […]...
Tips for Sanity
We have shifted into a new way of living. Being forced with no other choice than to embrace the uncertainty of each day, it’s not always easy to feel motivated or excited about staying at home and keeping “distance”. That’s why it’s helpful to call up your best friend, your mom, or your neighbor to […]...
Ayurveda in the Spring (antiviral tips included)
The beginning of spring is such a magical time of the year. For many of us there is a feeling of relief having survived another winter when there is less sunshine and blue sky to keep our moods elevated. During this time, most of us are overjoyed with the sight of the newly forming buds, […]...
Finding Light and Hope During Global Crisis
“We make things and seed them into the world, never fully knowing – often never knowing at all – whom they will reach and how they will blossom in other hearts, how their meaning will unfold in contexts we never imagined.” PICO IYER It is no secret that we are currently living through a global […]...
A love note from Katie — Staying Healthy and Calm in Chaotic Times
March 16, 2020 Oh man. They say this era is the Kali Yuga – the time of great tribulation and great LEARNING. When times are seemingly at their darkest, there is the greatest potential, the teachings say, for LIGHT to come through. I just wanted to connect personally with the community here at Shakti School […]...
2020 Ayurveda School Scholarship Recipients
We are happy to announce the following 2020 Ayurveda School scholarship winners. Thank you for all your soulful and love-filled participation. We deeply appreciate all of the honesty and effort poured into the submissions. Our team watched every single video sent and felt truly inspired by many! Without further ado, below are some of the […]...
What’s Love Got To Do With It
Whether you are single or in partnership, we’re all in a constant state of relating to one another. Maybe it’s your lover, your husband, or your girlfriend, but it’s also your mother, your best friend, and your neighbor. The list goes on. Inevitably, as any relationship deepens, our emotions become more vulnerable, our fears and […]...
The Pelvic Floor & Pleasure
The pelvic floor was designed not to be a muscle you train, but rather a muscle that moves fluidly in connection with the muscles in your lower limbs and trunk of your body. The combination of these muscles working together in a feminine flow is what results in a healthy pelvic floor. Contrary to popular […]...
Aphrodisiac Sweet Potato Sex Bomb Brownie Bites
A treat for you and your loved one… My girl, ya know what’s missing in your kitchen today? Some of these sexy dark chocolate brownie bites. Every now and then (especially in my luteal phase) I start to crave a little bit of decadence, a little bit of mouth pleasure, and a little more magnesium […]...
The Best Beauty Secret: Clean Water & Why We Need It
Clean water is essential for good health. All of our cells need water to survive. It helps regulate our body temperature, flush out toxins, keeps our skin clear, and we literally cannot live without it. Dr. Jack Kruse, who is a highly respected neurosurgeon, CEO of Optimized Life, a member of the American Association of […]...
Fatty Balls Recipe
In Ayurveda, fat is seen as an important nurtient because of it’s role in keeping the body lubricated and hydrated. All the doshas can benefit from adding fat to their diet. You don’t want too much, but you don’t want too little either. Fat helps to fuel your brain, aids in keeping your internal organs […]...
The Secrets to Healthy Ovulation Part 2
Estrogen Dominance: Signs you may be estrogen dominant& What to do about it Estrogen is an essential component of being a woman. It’s because of estrogen that we ovulate, that we have breasts, that we have a libido, and that we maintain healthy bones and muscles. Estrogen is not the enemy. It actually regulates over […]...
How to do a Wintertime Cleanse
A Guide to Feeling Healthy After the Holidays (beetroot pizza recipe included) December brings on many indulgences (eggnog, cheese, pie, the list goes on). It can often make the start of the new year feel like you’re trudging through sludge while your digestive system is trying desperately to get back on track. As we finish […]...
Channeling Your Inner Dolly
What Dolly Parton can teach us about Acceptance, Fame & Feminine Wisdom During the hustle and bustle of the holiday season we thought it would be nice to offer you a cozy read into the life and lessons from one of our favorite Shakti Mamas, Dolly Parton. If you’re anything like our team, then you’re […]...
Adaptogenic Chocolate Covered Pretzels
Holiday Treats with a Twist Tis’ the season for gifts and treats, and who doesn’t love something slightly sweet and with a crunch!?! This is almost too simple to even call a recipe, but a buttery crunch + dark chocolate + sea salt is a damn good combo, that’s why we want to share it […]...
Holiday Gift Guide
Tis’ the season to love and to give. As we live the darkest days of the year, we all become little Santas in our own right. Making things cheery and bright with our spirit. Our entire society is based off the goodwill of neighbors and giving. Do onto others as you would have done onto […]...
How to Stay Radiant Throughout the Winter
At Shakti School we emphasize the importance of educating yourself as much as you can. Knowledge is power. One of the key factors in the evolution towards a more enlightened woman is her wisdom. But, just as the women of Shakti School believe inner beauty to be essential to evolution, we want to radiate on […]...
Blending Ancient Modalities with Modern Day Health Trends
In the modern health world, what is considered healthy or not is constantly in flux. One day eggs are good, the next day they’re bad. One day going vegan is the answer to longevity, and the next day animal fat is the key ingredient to health. So, What the F**k are we supposed to eat?? […]...
How to Keep a Healthy Belly During the Holidays
The holiday season is a wonderful time, but let’s face it, it can also be super stressful, physically taxing, and can leave us with that post-holiday belly bloat. Ugh ! There is nothing worse than starting the new year with your digestion in a funk. When you’re not able to digest your food you’re not […]...
The Pumpkin Pie You Want To Eat
The Sugar Timeline, celebratory events, and why we eat more when we’re together(Recipe included) The Holidays can be frustrating when it comes to making healthy food choices. This should be a special time of year when your energy is centered around celebration, togetherness, and joy and where the focus is to spend quality time with […]...
The Secrets to Healthy Ovulation
What is ovulation? Why is ovulation important? How do I know if I am ovulating? And, what are the tips for healthy ovulation? Ovulation is when an egg is released from the ovaries. The egg is released by a surge of hormones that is regulated by the hypothalamus (located at the base of the brain). […]...
The BEST Summer Herb
Amalaki (aka Indian Gooseberry, aka Amla) is COOLING. It’s great for pitta tendency people like me who get overly heated (think menstrual related acne, or loose stool), especially this time of year. It’s one of the fruits in ayurveda’s digestive formula Triphala. It’s english name is Indian Gooseberry. But it’s also a potent external medicine for hair […]...
Sattvic Goodness Bowl
Dreaming of bowls packed full of Sattvic goodness. Sometimes all you need is a bowl of steamed veggies! ⠀ ⠀ Steamed carrots and spinach on top of quinoa spiced with mustard seed, fennel, and turmeric. Hidden below is an Avocado dressing! ⠀ ⠀ Avocado Dressing:⠀ 1/2 avocado⠀ 1 TBSP Apple Cider Vinegar ⠀ 1 clove […]...
Instant Pot Kitchari
Kitchari is good for all doshic types and can be tailored to the seasons with seasonal-appropriate spices and veggies. Basmati rice and mung dal are sweet, cooling and easy on the digestion. It is a complete food, said to nourish the tissues, boost strength and increase our vitality. Kitchari is also the preferred food we […]...
What is Enlightenment?
There is a lot of talk about Enlightenment in the yoga & meditation milieu. If you haven’t experience enlightenment or a ‘spiritual awakening’, you may think of it as some disembodied state, or something too mythical, an unavailable state for us mere householders. While popular discourse makes it seem like enlightened individuals have something others […]...
3 Steps Toward Divine Feminine Ayurveda
Feminine form Ayurveda is the true Ayurveda of ancient India. You might wonder—what does it mean for something to be the true Ayurveda? There are two answers to that question....
Let’s Talk About Sex
I am so happy that as a society we’re talking about sexuality. Sexual assault, sexual harassment, weird-awkward-aggressive-sex-we-fled-from, etc. Yes, these are all convos about sex, our society’s relationship with it + with power and the dysfunctional social behaviors that manifest from that disintegrated relationship our society has with human sexuality. ⠀ Let’s rewind: Ayurveda teaches […]...
Who Am I?
Two big questions that most human beings will ponder at some point in their lives: “Who am I?” and “How can I get more of what I want in my life?” One of the things I love about the Tantric yoga tradition is its systematic approach to answering both of these inquiries. The Taittiriya Upanishad, […]...
Womb Wellness
It’s Cervical Cancer Awareness Week. Cervical cancer, although treatable, is the 3rd leading cause of death of women worldwide. Ayurveda has a lot to offer in terms of prevention and treatment of cervical cancer. I want to start with the emotional and energetics first… The womb area is our feminine heart. It is the seat […]...
Vitality Like A Goddess
The first days of January are associated with the Nativity of Inanna, Pagan Goddess of Sumer (later she appears as Ishtar in Babylon & Asherah in the Levant) Inanna is a goddess of love, beauty, fertility and war. Graced with a stream of lovers, including the ill-fated Dumuzi, she is cognate to Venus. The celebration […]...
Self-Love? How About We Start With SELF-LIKE
The biggest epidemic we face right now is the sickness of our lack of loving ourselves. I hear about it all the time in my line of work. And as I read the millionth blog post about self-love, I take pause. I think a much better place to start is self-like....
The Four Glorious Goals of Life
When our digestion is good, our sleep is deep and our emotions and sexuality are being channeled properly, we have more energy to engage in our passions and pursuits in life—in Ayurveda, our foremost pursuits are known as the four goals of life....
Sister Sciences in the Vedic Tradition
Ayurveda is a complex and ancient system of well-being, and just as Western medicine is based on biology and other sciences that can take a lifetime to understand, Ayurveda has many foundational concepts and tenets that you can explore and deepen your understanding of for years and years....
Silence Envelopes the Voices of Insecurity
Our culture supports individual effort and perfection. In fact, I recently read about an experiment done on two groups of people, one from the United States, and another group from Japan. Each group was shown an image that included an individual scuba diver sinking into an ocean full of fish and other marine life....
You Are So Much More Than You Know
Two big questions that most human beings will ponder at some point in their lives: “Who am I?” and “How can I get more of what I want in my life?” Some of us may even ask ask them on a daily basis. One of the things I love about the Tantric yoga tradition is its systematic approach to answering both of these inquiries....
Fire and Nectar: Creating Balance the Tantric Way
Being a yogini means you can KNOW and to DISCERN when you need to be a wild African trance dancer. And when you need to sit in the silence of the present moment....
How to Get Sexy Skin and Feel Like a Goddess
Ayurveda says that self-massage is essential for radiant health and youthful glow. Why?...
Eat Well
That you are what you eat may be standard wisdom, but according to Ayurvedic tradition, the state of your mind, emotions, and your environment while you eat also has direct impact on the way you feel. These teachings (as well as modern scientific nutrition studies), show us that eating in the right way can reduce stress and promote calm....
Sex and the Three Doshas
We are all a composite of all three doshas. There are times when you may feel like making love like a bunny (vata style) or lounging about like a tigress (kapha style). Remember, you have all of nature’s gifts at your disposal, so don’t put yourself in a sexual doshic box. That said, we do […]...
Meditation for Building and Healing Sexual Energy
You can do this meditation sitting down, but I find it helpful to lie down with some support under my spine, such as a folded blanket or a bolster. Try working with this practice for at least 40 days, for 15-45 minutes daily. ...
Healthy Happy Sexy Bonus
Resources from the book Healthy, Happy, Sexy: Ayurvedic Wisdom for Modern Women...
People and Their Deepest Darkest Secrets
I get the honor of meeting with people in private sessions where they reveal to me their deepest, darkest secrets. Here is what most people are so afraid to admit. Its also what ALOT OF US SHARE. Ready?...
Why Other People’s Baby, Engagement Ring, Kick-Ass Job, and Even Deepak Chopra Have Nothing to Do With You
The other day I posted a heart-felt sentiment on Facebook. I think, in the history of my Face-Life, I have never gotten so many “likes.” My friend and student, Martine, encouraged me to write it up as a longer blog post. The comment: I think it spoke to what many of us feel whilst scanning the Facebook “I’m […]...
Ojas: The Power That Sustains Us
Ojas (OH-JUS) is one of the three subtle forces in our body. Think of ojas as the container that holds your abundant energy. It is the ultimate energy reserve of the body and mind. It is the purest essence of Kapha, and physically, it is related to reproductive, hormonal, and cerebrospinal fluids. I love the metaphor of ojas as […]...
Kick off the New Year with Delicious Self-Care – The Ayurvedic Daily Ritual
Alright ladies and gentlemen, it’s the New Year. We are all a-buzz with that excitement of new vistas and catalytic potentialities. And, wanna’ know the best way to super-charge your dreams? Start taking care of your body. Your mind will thank you. Here is my basic Daily Ritual, pulled straight from my soon-to-be-published book on […]...
Deep Listening – Balancing Your Weight With Ancient Ayurveda
The single most common complaint I hear from my students and clients? I don’t feel at home in my body. I want to offer you some simple Ayurveda-inspired, no-more-band-aid tips that will help you feel at home in your body again. And these techniques aren’t about imposing hard and fast rules – they are about […]...
Curb Unhealthy Cravings
When I feel the chill of winter near, I start to dream of warm, foamy chocolate; hot toddies; and long, luscious sleep. And this is a good thing. Naturally, the fall and early winter season season beg for more heaviness and warmth in both the foods we eat and in our lifestyle routines. The downside […]...
Golden Yogini Milk = Guardian-Angel Medicine
Ancient plant-medicine traditions encouraged students to meditate on, and with, the plants that made up herbal medicines. In this way, the student could identify her “spirit plant,” or “plant ally.” Think of your plant ally as a Guardian Plant Angel. I’ve got one – and her name is Turmeric. I positively adore this plant (my close friends know […]...
Dr. Claudia on Using Love, Focus, and a Morning Practice To Re-pattern Our Energy
I am so delighted to share this love note and contribution to the Healthy, Happy, Sexy bonuses from Dr. Claudia Welch, my all-time fave Ayurveda Trailblazer. Dear Katie, I hope this finds you well, and send my congratulations on your book, and best wishes for your endeavors. May your work inspire many to good changes and […]...