A Guide to Seasonal Transition
In the Ayurvedic tradition, paying close attention during seasonal transitions is an important way that we can connect to and honor the unique relationship we have with our bodies. In the areas north of the equator, we are approaching the Fall Equinox. This transition into Fall is all about the transition from light to dark. At all transitions we can be more vulnerable to an accumulation of ama (toxins) in the body and in the mind, which is why it can be a perfect time for gentle cleansing and emotional release. We also will start to experience shorter hours of sunlight, the mornings and evenings will get cooler, and the air will become more breezy and dry. As mother nature will be letting go (of leaves, of daylight hours, the work of photosynthesis), we too can mimic this behavior by practicing the art of letting go.
It could be time to let go of the high intensity schedule you may have had during the pitta time of year. This is the time to slow down and focus on more fluid and intentional movement. Morning and evening meditations, slow walks in nature (bundled up), and staying inside with a book and a cup of chaga can all be more appropriate activities during this time of the year.
While depletion is on the rise, it’s more important to take time for rest and reflection rather than keeping a busy schedule. You can also take advantage of this time of letting go to release any stored up emotions that may have accumulated throughout the early part of the year. Taking more time to journal, pray, and reflect can be a powerful way to welcome the beginning of Fall.
During the early stages of Fall, the pitta season is drawing to a close and the vata element is on the rise. As vata season becomes more predominant, it becomes even easier to encounter imbalances, especially in the qualities of wind and ether. Similarly, in the Chinese medicine tradition, such imbalances can have a major effect on the organs specific to the lungs and the large intestine. This is why it is crucial to take extra care and pay close attention to how you go about your daily routines. The most common imbalances at this time manifest as seasonal allergies, dryness, constipation, sadness, grief and anxiety, and a tendency towards dehydration.
Food For Fall Support
The best way to support this transition into Fall is with grounding and nourishing foods. Think of foods that help to counteract gas and bloating and focus on foods that nourish and strengthen the liver.
This is the perfect time for stewed mung beans, roasted winter squash, cooked dandelion greens with ginger and fresh turmeric. Apples cooked with a small amount of ghee and spices would also be a great way to hydrate the body and help to keep things moving. If you can, try to plan for a gentle cleanse. Ayurveda highlights the time between September 15th and October 15th as the ideal range for a kitchari cleanse. See our free cleansing guide below.
Herbs for Fall Support
Perhaps one of the best ways you can additionally support yourself at this time is through the power of herbs or mushrooms. Try adding some reishi, chaga, or lion's mane to your morning or evening beverage. These mushrooms are considered major superfoods and are strongly anti-inflammatory, promote longevity, better immune function and mental clarity.
Tulsi, ashwagandha, licorice, and gotu-kola are all some of our favorite ayurvedic herbs for fall. Tulsi and licorice make a delicious tea to sip on all throughout the day. We also love this blend from banayan to support yourself through the fall Adrenal Support. (Use code KATIE15 for 15% off).
Practices for Fall Support
The fall tendency is to become more mentally scattered, anxiety can rise, and emotions can become a little more intense. Try focusing on exercise that incorporates more fluid movements like walking, gentle yoga, and body weight mobility circuits.
Meditation in morning and evening sun can be most effective and taking the time to journal can help to ease any extra stress. In particular, it could be helpful to use writing prompts such as I let go of or I release. Taking the time to reflect on what has and has not served you in the six months would be constructive and intentional practice as you move forward into the season of release and surrender.
This is a crucial time for building and tonifying the body in preparation for the winter months ahead when the body tends to become weaker and more susceptible to illness. Take the extra time and dive into the healing practices of Ayurveda.
Katie’s Autumnal Must Haves
Use code SHAKTIPOWER for 10% off everything from Paavani Ayurveda
Use code KATIE15 for 15% off everything Banyan Botanicals
Click here to access Shakti School's Ayurvedic Cleanse Guide
Want to go deeper into the healing power of Ayurveda? Seasonal transitions can often be the perfect time to set new intentions. Join Ayurveda School to learn more about cleansing, herb support, and get certified to help support others!