Katie’s Spring Time Ice Cream
“Oh my horror of Ayurveda horrors! Ice cream in the spring is a big no-no Katie Silcox!”
Yes, yes. But you still wanna’ eat it, right?
You, see I don’t believe in dogmatic Ayurveda food rules. (I ditched all fundamentalism a few years ago :-))
But what I DO think is really cool is using the principles of Ayurveda and the seasons to adapt and work with my cravings and desires. Ice cream in the spring included.
So, how do I do that in the spring? In this season there is a domination in the heavy, wet and unctuous qualities. And what’s so weird about imbalances in our system is that when we have imbalance, we will often crave things that are exactly the opposite of what we need.
Which is why, before I got way healthier, I craved lounging about with an ice cream bowl on my belly exactly in the Kapha season.
End result - mucous, sad-face, lethargy and a lack of getting s%$t done.
So, my hot little healer-woman, here’s a GREAT spring ice cream replacement that will totally douse your cravings, but also keep Kapha at bay.
It’s fruit-only sugar. A powerful protein and healthy-fat punch. As well as chock full of mind-tonic herbs that will keep you sharp all day. The secret ingredient is that it replaces the dairy of ice cream, which is super heavy and mucus producing with a wonderful Kapha-reducing replacement. Cauliflower! And I don’t even like cauliflower.
Give it to me, Silcox:
2 cups frozen cauliflower
One cup frozen blueberries
One scoop of any good bone broth protein. My favorite is this chocolate kind from Ancient Nutrition.
One scoop Anima Mundi Qi Energy powder
One scoop Anima Mundi Shroom mocha milk
Add in 1/2 tsp ginger, cinnamon cardamom to spice it up and further reduce the kapha
2 cups water- add a bit more if needed
Blend in a blender til’ creamy smooth.