This is an introductory talk on my newest research into the nervous system, yoga in America, women in yoga and more. I hope it peaks your interest. It's just a little taster. There is more where this came from...
In this episode I discuss:
~Download on Kapha season
~Chill the F Out by ApotheKary! My friends started an ayurvedic wellness store =) use the discount code GHEESPOT10 for 10%
~The American yoga dilemma
~My painful experiences with American yoga
~The power of sharing your storey
~Masculine lineages of Indian yoga
~American yoga is only 100 years old
~Where yoga really comes from… hermit monks that wanted to basically die or transcend this reality
~Viyoga : “separation, elimination, denial, upward transcendance” vs Samyoga
~Mind Over Matter, The Masculine Approach
~My Nervous system collapse
~The definition of Health
~What many yoga practices do to your nervous system
~The worst of the yoga cues
~The relationship between the structural body and the nervous system
~Horizontal lines of movement vs vertical in the body
~Fight or flight nervous system
~Anti Anxiety month on Lineage of Love!
~The true Guru
~ Book: The Oxygen Advantage