How to Limit Your Exposure to EMFs and Avoid The Potential Health Risks
During the Coronavirus epidemic we've probably all spent more time on our phones and computers than we would care to admit. And while these devices help to keep us connected and informed through such a troubling and uncertain time, we've mostly likely increased our exposure to EMFs.
An Electromagnetic Field (EMF) is a continuous field produced by electrically charged objects such as your cellphones and Wi-Fi. EMF travels in a wave-like pattern at the speed of light and this propagation is called electromagnetic radiation. Some electromagnetic fields are produced naturally, like the low intensity EMF emitted by our body. However, tech-made EMF — those transmitted by cellphones and Wi-Fi — are unnatural and can cause health risks. (getlambs)
Another definition according to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, EMFs are “invisible areas of energy, often referred to as radiation, that are associated with the use of electrical power.”
Harmful EMFs are not only produced by our cell phones and laptops, but are also from other devices like baby monitors, all bluetooth devices, cordless phones, smart thermostats, and Wi-Fi routers. So, what are the potential hidden dangers of these devices? Unfortunately, EMFs can cause potential health risks such as:
- Cancer
- Tumors
- Oxidative stress
- Reproductive harm
- Cardiovascular disease
- Cognitive and memory effect
- Behavioral problems in children
- Increased risks during pregnancy
- Effects on testosterone
- Cell growth and proliferation
Along with these risk factors, if exposed to too many EMFs, you can start to feel down right cranky. EMFs have also been known to have an effect on your circadian rhythm, your mood, your energy levels, and even your metabolism.
This may sound like a lot of bad news. Especially since it’s really difficult to control the placement of cell towers or how often we might need to use said devices for work or connection. But, fortunately there are some things we can do to limit our exposure to EMFs even if we have to be on the computer all day long…
- Create guidelines to discipline yourself around how much time you spend on the phone/computer. Try to minimize unproductive insta-cruising.
- Put your phone in airplane mode when you know you aren't going to be using it
- Make sure your bluetooth is off when you’re not using it (iPhones now default to having it on)
- Avoid using smart appliances
- Try not to carry your phone directly on your body
- Use the speakerphone instead of putting the phone to your ear
- Do not sit your laptop on your lap!! (Especially not near your reproductive organs)
- Avoid using your computer or phone when they're plugged into the wall as much as possible
- Ditch the microwave!
- Unplug your wi-fi routers at night or whenever you’re not using them
- Increase your Vitamin D exposure (sunlight helps to mitigate the damage effects)
- Use EMF blocking apparel (see links below for our favorites)
Increasing your exposure to sunshine and walking in the forest can have tremendous benefits when it comes to mitigating the harmful effects of EMFs.
References and Resources
Health Implications of Electromagnetic Fields, Mechanisms of Action, and Research Needs
Ben Greenfield Fitness Podcast: “5G Dangers & The Shocking Truth About You Getting "EMF'D"
Dr. Joseph Mercola’s Books:EMF*D: 5G, Wi-Fi & Cell Phones: Hidden Harms and How to Protect Yourself
EMF Blocking Apparel: One of our favorite EMF blocking apparel companies is LAMBS. They are doing some pretty amazing things when it comes to blocking the parts of your body you want to protect the most: your reproductive organs. They carry men's underwear, a T-Shirt (can be universal), and a beanie for protecting your brain! Their women’s line is launching soon and we are so excited to have partnered with them. For 20% off your first order just use the code SHAKTIXLAMBS. We love using their products especially for traveling on a plane when EMF exposure is at its highest.
SomaVedic Home & Travel EMF Harmonizers - Use discount code SHAKTI as checkout for 10% off