According to Katie, this is her favorite episode ever! This week, Katie chats with Ayurvedic Practitioner and beloved Shakti Ayurveda School teacher, Sandhiya Ramaswamy. Their conversation goes way beyond the typical nutrition and lifestyle tips into deeper spiritual concepts of Ayurveda and Tantra such as Sadhana and Swastha. Did you know the way you eat your food is the way you make love?
Join Sandhiya and Katie for a love-filled conversation about duality, ego, joy, ancestral medicine and how to stay mindful and present in a world of social media and breaking news.
In this episode you’ll hear:
~ Level 1 Ayurveda School is open for registration! Join now and begin a deep soul-journey in January with incredible teachers like Katie and Sandhiya
~ How Sandhiya went from stressed-out corporate life to Ayurvedic healer
~ Sandhiya’s #1 Ayurvedic lifestyle tip
~ What does reclaiming our root healing traditions look like?
~ Why food is the primary medicine in Ayurveda
~ What are Sadhana and Swastha?
~ How to be established and centered in your divine self
~ Why Ayurveda is community healing
~ How to banish Ayurveda guilt
~ Katie’s new book, Glow-Worthy: Practices for Awakening Your Inner Light and Loving Yourself as You Are—Broken, Beautiful, and Sacred is available now!
Other links mentioned in this episode:
~ Connect with Sandhiya on her website, Instagram and Facebook
~ To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings by John O'Donohue
~ When Things Fall Apart book by Pema Chödrön
Learn more:
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