Learn more with Katie and The Shakti School:
Free Divine Feminine Ayurveda Mini Course
The Shakti School Subscription
Learn with Katie how we can come out of the false belief that we are unworthy in this moment....that we must constantly be improving, earning, gaining and doing to reach some unattainable goal. And how, we can also advance in our deepest dreams and desires which are a vital and natural part of our humanity!
From weight loss to enlightenment, this nuance matters!
In this episode you’ll hear:
~ What is the Susan Powter effect?
~ What is ‘Project You’ and why does it never really work out?
~ Take advantage of the lowest tuition prices on 2024 Ayurveda School! Register now with discount code HotGirlSummer for $100 off any payment option PLUS a signed copy of Glow-Worthy, sent right to your door when it’s released!
Learn more:
The Shakti School Subscription
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From my heart to your screen,