Katie sits down to talk about all things skin care with a naturopathic doctor, Dr. Trevor Cates, also known as The Spa Doctor. Dr. Cates shares about her own personal skin care journey and how it led her to create a clean, yet powerful, skin care line. Skin health, chemicals to watch out for, and of course, plenty of radiant skin care tips are shared in this fun and informative episode.
In this episode you’ll hear:
~ How Dr. Cates struggled with her skin and how that led to her holistic skincare journey
~ Our skin is our largest organ and how it provides us with clues about our health
~ The six root causes behind skin issues
~ Endocrine disrupting chemicals and how they may cause hormonal imbalances
~ ‘Forever Chemicals’ and their effect on the environment and our bodies
~ Dr. Cates’ take on sun exposure and sunscreen
~ The importance of deodorant and guidelines for using it
~ Tips for skin care when it comes to seasonal change
~ Check out Dr. Cates’ new book: Natural Beauty Reset
~ You can connect with Dr. Trevor Cates and learn more at thespadr.com
~ Level 1 Ayurveda School is open for early bird registration! Get in now before prices go up by $500 after September 30
~ Click here to book a free coaching call about Ayurveda School
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