We have a very exciting episode today as Katie is joined by the one and only Dr. Steven Gundry. Dr. Gundry is a cardiothoracic surgeon, a heart surgeon, a medical researcher, and a New York Times best-selling author. Tune in to hear Katie and Dr. Gundry discuss what led Dr. Gundry from being a heart surgeon to where he is today, the reason young adults are suffering from gut issues and chronic fatigue but the older generation isn’t, and Dr. Gundry’s infamous advice to women who struggle with people who don’t take them seriously.
In this episode you’ll hear:
~ An inspiring story about Dr. Gundry’s patient, Big Ed, ultimately leading Dr. Gundry to change the trajectory of his career
~ The concept of uncoupling your mitochondria, why you want your mitochondria uncoupled, and specific fats that bring about this mitochondrial supercharging
~ Why you should worry about the quality and not quantity of the fat you are ingesting, and why Americans have it all wrong
~ The role of polyphenols and why they are important for our health (p.s. Get your hands on some cloves!)
~ Dr. Gundry’s non-negotiables in his daily life that keep him looking young and vibrant
~ Level 1 Ayurveda School is currently at the lowest price it will be! Use discount code HotGirlSummer for $100 off any of the payment options at registration
~ You can connect with Dr. Gundry at drgundry.com and gundrymd.com, via Instagram @drstevengundry, and The Dr. Gundry Podcast
Learn more:
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